YES Programs



2023 YES Voices Final Podcasts

A Group Of People Pose Wearing Yes Voices Podcasting Workshop Tshirts

From March 2 to May 15, 2023, iEARN-USA, Amideast, and American Councils partnered with StoryCenter to implement the second iteration of the YES Voices Podcasting Workshop for 20 YES and YES Abroad alumni from 14 different countries. The 2023 YES Voices was a two-month hybrid (virtual and in-person) alumni program delivered through a series of virtual training and in-person sessions in Rabat, Morocco. The goals of the workshop were to equip YES and YES Abroad alumni with the knowledge and skills of storytelling and podcast production, to use podcasting as a tool for social change, to highlight alumni-led projects, and to promote the mission of the YES program.

We are very pleased to share the final podcasts from each pair of YES and YES Abroad alumni below.

People Seated Around A Room Listening To An Intructor

“Hot Flashes” discusses the ways in which women around the world have faced unequal impacts from climate change and highlights young women's involvement in environmental action. The podcast features two hosts–Mubashra Saleem of Pakistan and Grace Bird of the United States–as they compare their own experiences as well as interview other young women involved in climate activism. 

Listen to “Hot Flashes” HERE.

“Uthubutu” serves as a bridge between two halves of the world, with Dani Kawaguchi and Joylin Kombe, hosts hailing from America and Tanzania.

Here, we explore the efforts of young adult community leaders and organizers across the globe, discussing the significance of community and offering guidance on how to incorporate community-focused work into one's life after setbacks, extended periods away, or during busy seasons of life.

Listen to “Uthubutu” HERE.

A Group Of People Pose With The Turkiye Flag

"Adapting Together" is a podcast that aims to show the struggles and challenges of refugees in Turkiye from different perspectives in the community. The podcast hosts Berk and Mert from Turkiye, along with their guests, discuss the realities that people overlook at first glance. Give it a listen if you're ready for "Adapting Together!"

Listen to “Adapting Together” HERE.

“Sharaka” is a podcast series that educates youth about entrepreneurship, which helps them develop a successful career or business. Each episode hosts an entrepreneur or a worker in a specific field and from a different background who shares their knowledge and experiences that can take its beneficiaries to places and quests of gold, and have their work speak volumes towards thriving success.

Listen to “Sharaka” HERE.

A Group Of People Are Seated Listening To Someone Speak

Ahmed and I come from two different worlds of Yemen and Balochistan, where our cultures have had a profound impact on us growing up and have largely shaped the people we have become today. 

Our podcast, called “Zindaab!” is a living witness to our experiences. In each segment of our podcast, we explore different aspects of our uniquely beautiful cultures and how they have changed and shaped our unique ways of living in the world. In this first episode, we talk about a traditional Balochi doch made by indigenous Baloch women of Balochistan and how, throughout the course of my life, I have struggled to understand its value and cultural significance until my exchange year in the USA.

Listen to “Zindaab!” HERE.

A Group Of People Pose In Traditional And Formal Clothing

The "Peak-Bound Podcast," hosted by Amina from Kenya and Awah from Cameroon, shares the experiences and journeys of individuals who have built STEM careers. By exploring the personal and professional lives of the co-hosts, the podcast provides valuable insights into the know-how of the technology industry and practical approaches to building a tech career. It serves as a platform to empower listeners with knowledge and strategies for building successful tech careers. 

Listen to the “Peak-Bound Podcast” HERE.

Our podcast, “Fix Your Facts,” aims to bring people with disabilities to the forefront of society by exploring every aspect of their lives, starting with who they really are. We delve into the struggles and discrimination they face in education, employment, and social life. We then discuss the different types of disabilities and how they affect people differently, explore the history of disability rights and advocacy, highlight the accomplishments of individuals with disabilities, and discuss the role of technology in improving the lives of people with disabilities. Our podcast is dedicated to promoting accessibility and inclusion in society for the betterment of all.

Listen to “Fix Your Facts” HERE.

“Planting the Seed of Media Literacy” is a podcast where we help you become more media literate in the 21st century.

Listen to “Planting the Seed of Media Literacy” HERE.

A Group Of Young People Pose Outside In Formal And Traditional Clothing

Join Kimbian from the Philippines and Mathna from Tanzania in “Cool Ideas for a Hot Planet,” a podcast uncovering innovative environmental solutions. Explore zero-waste living, hydroponics, solar energy, marine conservation, sustainable architecture, waste reduction, sustainable mobility, and other cool ideas that save our planet. Hear inspiring stories and insights from visionary individuals and organizations making a difference, sparking action along the way. Discover personal environmental innovations from Kimbian and Mathna as they delve into a world of transformative ideas.

Listen to “Cool Ideas for a Hot Planet” HERE.

Two People In Traditional And Formal Clothing Laughing

Do you want to make a change in your community? If yes, then this podcast is made for you. “The First Weekend” is all about promoting the value of volunteerism and inspiring people to get involved. We are passionate about two main goals: firstly, we aim to sensitize listeners about the importance of volunteerism; and secondly, we organize every first weekend of each month volunteer activities ourselves! We encourage listeners to join us in these activities, fostering a sense of community and collective action.

Listen to “The First Weekend” HERE.

A Group Of People Pose In Front Of An Historical Site In Morocco
